Feb 21, 2024

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall!!!

HERE COMES PUMPKIN SPICE SEASON… Here we are on the last weekend of Summer!  I actually can’t believe we are here already. It’s that time of year when it gets a little chilly. It’s like when you’re doing a workout and you’re getting to the cool down, the last 2 weeks in Canada, well the GTA anyways, it gets cold. Almost like the preview of fall to wake us up and get us back into a routine (and then set my allergies on fire with ragweed season). If you have kids, this is a bittersweet moment because as much as you’ll miss having the kids home, it is nice to have them…

    By Pamela Facey. Updated January 24, 2025

    Some or all of the products featured on this page may be provided by our vendors or sponsors, who compensate us. This compensation may affect the selection, placement, and presentation of the products on the page. However, it does not influence our opinions. Our recommendations are entirely our own and are based on our professional expertise and experience.


    Here we are on the last weekend of Summer! 

    I actually can’t believe we are here already. It’s that time of year when it gets a little chilly. It’s like when you’re doing a workout and you’re getting to the cool down, the last 2 weeks in Canada, well the GTA anyways, it gets cold. Almost like the preview of fall to wake us up and get us back into a routine (and then set my allergies on fire with ragweed season). If you have kids, this is a bittersweet moment because as much as you’ll miss having the kids home, it is nice to have them get back into a routine, and not rely on you to entertain them all day!!!!!

    What were some of your summer highlights? I have a few, but for all of you who know me, I would have to say mine was going to see MARIAH CAREY…. again! She is my all-time favourite childhood singer!  I am one of her lambs. If you haven’t read The Victory Lap, well, I talk a lot about her in there!

    I mentioned her many times in the book. The ways she got me through so many moments, including my biracial frizzy hair trauma as a kid. So yes, I will be following her wherever her heart desires to sing for the rest of my adult life. I am sure Kevin was not as thrilled to be by myself. Side enduring this yet again, #husbandoftheyear. When he heard that I wanted to go for my birthday gift he replied “Don’t you think last year was enough”. What kind of question is that??? I saw her twice last year, including once in New York City, there could never be too much Mariah!.  

    I can’t wait to hear all the highlights of yours!

    Fall is my FAVOURITE time of the year. It is very metaphorical to me. I actually could never be in a place that didn’t have seasons with physical weather changes. When the leaves fall off of the trees, it is time to shed what is no longer serving us. What is no longer necessary? Here I am standing in my shedding season, facing yet another huge shift.

     As you may know, on September 1, 2023, I started my first big-girl corporate gig with L’OREAL. L’Oreal is one of the world’s biggest Beauty billion-dollar companies.  Your girl here was typing reports, travelling, visiting salons from here to Kingston Ontario, boosting people up their salon game and inspiring others to reach their maximum potential, my favourite part. It was a whirlwind. I clicked the link to apply for someone else and somehow ended up taking the role for myself. One thing about me is that I am not afraid of any challenge. I give it my all and typically conquer. I met so many amazing people and it is such a supportive company (just a VERY heavy workload). They’re there for you and all, however, the year was quite challenging. During my first two weeks on the job, I flew to Montreal and got food poisoning. October 11 shortly came when I was hit by the two electric scooters on the sidewalk, and then  Off on WSIB until February. It was quite interesting. Using my first pair of crutches at the age of 40. They still have not caught those guys, but oh well I’m sure they’re off still running the streets of Toronto. I hope they’ve learned their lesson after hitting me.

     I hopped back on the bandwagon in February into the rat race working six days a week Monday to Friday, L’OREAL and Sundays with my lovely clients at Elevate. Not to mention being a mom, wife and dog mom in between. Cooking, cleaning, managing a household, being a friend, a daughter, a sister and at some point taking care of myself in between. In February, I went on another work trip and then got sick for two weeks, which put me out. On top of that, I lost a good friend and Harper‘s godmother at the beginning of 2024 followed by my cousin’s death, witnessing a long-time friend lose her husband and the last kicker was losing one of my L’oreal business partners.  Through all of this my youngest, Harper has developed some serious separation anxiety whenever I leave her side. There were some long days. Some days I drove 2 hours just to start my workday. My lack of presence in the home has quite an impact and this past year has taught me that. Losing all of those people in the last six months has opened my eyes to what is truly important. Family is always first. And most of all myself and my mental well-being. I had stretched myself way too thin and could not be the best version of myself as well as those around me, including the people I interacted with daily. So, all things aside, the highlight of my summer was taking some time to work on myself, be present with my kids and refocus myself on my priorities. Take the time to speak to someone about all of the loss and grief in the last few months. Taking the time to heal. It was a very hard decision, but I had to do it for myself and my health. This year has taught me so much. The job has also taught me so much. It taught me how to show up for myself, how to be organized, how to be disciplined on my own Salon skills, how to manage my time and create healthy boundaries like I said, I met amazing people along the way, including every single owner and stylist I interacted with and educated in my role. This will not be the end of the relationships that I have created, but it is a shift. One thing I also missed was all of you. I miss hearing your stories and laughing together  While making you feel your most beautiful self. I miss playing with my hair.

    I can’t wait to see you all again soon.

    I have so many questions, like how are you liking the new look of the shop? With the white entryway, I think it’s kind of neat huh?

    With that being said, I have so many new ideas and products coming your way to try. Some even have some nice body lotions and body oils and aluminum-free deodorant for those of you who are very conscious of what we put on our skin.

    For serious sensitivities, we also have something up our sleeve, which I’ll be sharing probably in the new letter that comes next. 


    This past Saturday, a chapter came to an end as we said goodbye to our amazing Vanessa. She has gone off to pursue her dream of owning her hair studio and we wish her nothing but success on her journey. She will be truly missed.

    It has been an amazing few years working together and we are proud of you leaping!


    We love getting your feedback and would love to hear from you more. What kind of things would you like to see selling at the shop? What’s your favourite part of coming into Elevate? We’re always looking for feedback and would love it if you even reply to these letters with some of your ideas.  if it’s having iced coffee in the summer, we will try our best, or pumpkin spice for the fall season in your latte! 

    Well, that is it for now but we’ll see you in the next newsletter… PS Did I tell you Sandy had her first boat ride and she loved it… Stay tuned, see you soon. 



    P.S. Here is a peek at some more of my summer highlights. Including a 17-hour bus ride to church camp with Madison………(my back is still recovering).


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