Welcome back to September routines, making lunches and dragging your kiddos out of bed. I’m quite happy to be having my morning lattes to myself again, but can I just say that these kids are growing too fast?!
Now that we’re officially in back-to-school mode, We’re kicking it off with some specials here at the salon!
AG has a new look. With keeping a green footprint, they’ve decided to change their packaging to aluminum in the naturals line (with really cool refill bags) and they have a new recycled plastic sleek package for their other products. We love this and to celebrate… When you buy one AG product, you get the second one 50% off!
Stay tuned, we also have some new products on the way that we’ll be sharing next week!
Have you subscribed yet? We’ve released some great content lately but next week, we’re going to be talking about a word I’ve been using a lot lately… LITERALLY.
It’s called “the beauty of the pivot.” Lately, I’ve been thrown off course A LOT! Sometimes we plan to go left, and life throws us right. We plan for a sunny day and we get torrential downpours. The real beauty is when you learn to embrace all that gets thrown your way and pivot. I can’t wait to share this episode with you next week but for now, if you haven’t already, catch up on this past Monday’s episode “New Year’s In September”, where I discuss how to get back on track and set your goals while getting out of the “routineness” of summer.
Tune in and let me know what you think!
So, this Wednesday was officially nine weeks since being sober from Instagram (I’m in ‘SA’ Scrollers Anonymous lol)
I have to say, there is real freedom and beauty that comes with being off the grid. To each their own (which you can catch in another podcast), but I truly have a race like no other right now. Instead of showcasing my work, I’m actually BEING in it!
It all started in July when I took a girls’ trip to see Kevin Hart and decided, “girls, this weekend I won’t be posting my salad with everyone on IG.” Instead, I just ate it, without the stress of making sure I captured the right angle and by the time the post went up, the grilled salmon on top was cold. PFFFt what a life eh? As if anyone gives a s*&t about my salad that much…
I love being connected with you all of course, and I want to kick it old school and find ways to share my love for you all without it being through a post.
Something really cool – your girl was featured in EFE magazine! Check out my exposé on pages 17-19!
Have an amazing week(end) and can’t wait to see you all soon!