Happy Friday!
What are your weekend plans? I’m really excited about this Saturday because Kevin and I are going to see Chris Rock! As I mentioned in one of my recent podcast episodes about dating your husband (Dating Your Spouse), I made it a point to plan dates (solo and with the kids) for us throughout the whole summer.
Let’s face it, the last two years have taken a huge toll on everyone’s lives, including mine in ALL areas, especially when it came to our relationship. With all that time being at home, you realize the lack of prioritizing time together because our lives were always “busy”. When you think about it, we go through life at such a fast pace… we meet someone, fall in love, get the approval from family and friends, marry, find a home, get adult jobs, have kids, move again, invest, work, deal with life’s problems and other’s opinions and then it all comes to a screeching halt when Covid hit. It was the perfect formula for a disaster! Where the heck is the manual for this? Can someone tell me what page “how to deal with myself” is on? We are all out here living this thing called “life” and for the most part, not many of us were properly groomed for it!
With that being said, the struggle and anxiety we all went through was next level and how do you deal? There isn’t a lot in school that taught us about this. How to recognize anxiety and look after your mental health. I feel like the curriculum may need a serious update after what everyone went through in these last two years.
So back to the date planning, I went through my agenda book this year and decided to plan a date once a week. Big, small, new, or adventurous – I planned it all up until October! With our lives now getting back to that normal we were used to; I don’t want to forget how to be present and enjoy the little things. I want to cherish every moment with my family and set aside that time to be with them fully. I’m really excited about all these dates I have planned, the quality time we’ll spend as a family together and the new memories we’ll make.
If the last two years have been hard on you, in any area of your life, I see you.
Give yourself grace.
Be kind to yourself.
Be patient with yourself.
Acknowledge yourself.
If you’re reading this, you’ve made it. If you still feel like it’s a struggle at times, it may be, but YOU GOT THIS!
Quiet the outside noise, take a walk, take a drive, pour some wine, call a friend… If you can’t do any of that, come by Elevate for a hug… (and a Latté)
We love you.