Feb 21, 2024

New Month, New Reflections and a New Project!

Updates for April and an inspiring new initiative we’re launching this month – Shear Therapy! Read more about it.

    By Pamela Facey. Updated April 2, 2020

    Some or all of the products featured on this page may be provided by our vendors or sponsors, who compensate us. This compensation may affect the selection, placement, and presentation of the products on the page. However, it does not influence our opinions. Our recommendations are entirely our own and are based on our professional expertise and experience.

    Well here we are… It’s April (but who’s actually counting?) I think I’ve been wearing the same pants for the past three days and I’m still not planning on changing them anytime soon. This pandemic has literally taken over our lives, including our hair… and for those who are feeling desperate to run out and buy a hair touch up kit from Shoppers to cover those roots, think again! First, no one can see you and second, you definitely don’t want your next appointment to be a colour correction – save your money and time and just wait it out! 

    But in all seriousness, I know this is a stressful time for everyone, especially when it comes to people’s jobs and financial situations yet there are many ways we can look at it positively. Most of us have already caught up on our to-do lists or at least started them, we’ve probably cleaned or organized our cupboards and closets (which was desperately needed), and some have purged a few bags of clothes or old knick knacks. I hope with these accomplishments, we’ve all found a new appreciation for life and our homes. 

    Yet still, It’s crazy how magnified the little things are when they’re taken from you like dropping into your favourite coffee shop, running in to say hello to a friend, Friday night hangouts with your girls or even just being able to browse around a store. Personally, I find the hardest part is losing that one-on-one interaction with my clients. Having a deep conversation with someone while seeing their body language and making eye contact was something I looked forward to everyday. Trying to stay positive here, all of this time spent at home has allowed me and many others to reflect about the feelings we have inside and outside (our physical appearance may not be top priority at the moment since we’re all living in sweats and no makeup but good on those who are still trying). I’ve noticed a lot of talk around everyone’s appearances after this pandemic ends and it made me think back to a project I started last year and I really wanted to share it with you guys today. 

    Introducing, Shear Therapy. A project based on the experiences and encouragement from each and every one of you. 

    From the moment you sit in that chair, you open up to me about as much as do I with you because of our time spent with each other. Anywhere from one to three hours, we get to release all the burden and unnecessary weight we’ve been carrying around from the stresses of everyday life. The idea randomly hit me one night at 1am, I was so excited about the idea that I began pacing around my house, trying to think of ways to execute it. Then I thought to myself, how lucky am I to be able to sit with my clients and hear about their deepest pains and insecurities. Just being able to listen can do so much healing by the time the appointment is finished. I thought of how much more it was then just a simple blow dry, it was actually an experience that healed a lot of people and sometimes myself without the client even knowing. After reflecting on these experiences, I began interviewing multiple clients who were comfortable sharing their stories to others. I wanted this to be something every person could relate to, both encouraging and inspiring. Whether it’s the insecurities about the colour of our skin, our hair, our bodies, our various lifestyles or whatever it is we’re trying to accomplish but get caught up in – that’s what I wanted to share. It made me realize how all of us would compare ourselves to one another, even judging at times and yet not knowing that we’re carrying around our own insecurities, holding ourselves back. 

    With that being said, I wanted to give you a glimpse into some of these inspiring stories I got to hear a while back so we can all heal during this time and what better time than now.  I believe this is a time for healing, looking deeper than just our physical appearance and seeing how we can become more kind to ourselves and to others. We’ve all heard and seen how the earth has been healing itself as we remain at home, well, this is the perfect moment for us to heal ourselves and to find the things we know we love in ourselves and in others. 

    Today, I’m giving you a sneak peak of some of the women I sat down with for this project and to shed some further light on this new initiative.  As the client response was overwhelming with people volunteering to be filmed, I can’t wait for all of you to share your story with us once we film again this summer. Until then, I’ll share a story or two every month so we can all become better together, creating a beautiful life and live with beautiful love. I want this experience to be shared with many, so follow along here and on our IG account to see inspiring interviews and stories from people just like you.

    Stay safe everyone!



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