Feb 21, 2024

When Life Hands You Lemons…

Well, cheers to another lockdown!I must say that as sad as I am to be closed, I’m really enjoying the days of doing nothing. I haven’t stopped once during this whole year as mentioned before and now that schools are still open, I’m getting a taste of what it feels like to have a day to myself. I know I have a to-do list waiting for me but I’m avoiding it. I’m sure by the weekend I’ll have a mild panic attack over having to pay rent in a shop that I’m unable to work in, but I’ll wait…

    By Pamela Facey. Updated November 26, 2020

    Some or all of the products featured on this page may be provided by our vendors or sponsors, who compensate us. This compensation may affect the selection, placement, and presentation of the products on the page. However, it does not influence our opinions. Our recommendations are entirely our own and are based on our professional expertise and experience.

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    Well, cheers to another lockdown!

    I must say that as sad as I am to be closed, I’m really enjoying the days of doing nothing. I haven’t stopped once during this whole year as mentioned before and now that schools are still open, I’m getting a taste of what it feels like to have a day to myself. I know I have a to-do list waiting for me but I’m avoiding it. I’m sure by the weekend I’ll have a mild panic attack over having to pay rent in a shop that I’m unable to work in, but I’ll wait for that panic to arrive, marinate in it for 10 minutes, and then give it to God to handle.

    With that being said, Christmas is around the corner and the spirit of Santa is still alive in my heart, pandemic or not. There’s just a feeling of magic in the air around this time of year. The snow is pretty, the music is light-hearted and everyone around is so festive. Much of that has already been diminished slightly (thanks COVID) but I don’t think people should lose sight of the spirit.  I think we’re better than letting our circumstances define this moment for us.  Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I’m sure you can agree regardless, this is the season to celebrate with loved ones, friends, and family.

    For over 7 years now, I usually get together with my closest friends and we have our own Kris Kringle. I must say that was a hard pill to swallow knowing that we can’t do it in person this year. Usually the night consisted of girl talk, wine, overeating, me falling asleep on the couch, and waking up to the IG posts afterward of me asleep. We are all bummed, BUT! Instead of just canceling the night completely, we’re going to get creative and still find a way to celebrate.  Instead, we’re going to take our tradition outside (on a warm-ish day), grab a latte, and exchange gifts in the park. You see, there’s beauty in changing the narrative. When you can take a situation and find a way to do it differently, you may just have the same or even more of a great time. Why cancel it all? Why get depressed about what is happening right now? 

    2020 is basically handing us lemons and we’re making lemonade!

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    That being said, I wanted to switch gears and mention how crucial it is to support your local businesses as much as you can. Shop online, buy gift cards, recommend them to other friends who are looking for gift ideas – every little bit helps.  

    Here at Elevate, we’ve been working on an online store and we’re excited to share that it’s almost complete. (Erin may come back to work with a few more stress-related greys lol). Soon enough you’ll be able to get all of the same goodies you picked up in-store all online. We’ll also be offering shipping and curbside pick up! 

    Come and get a comfy sweater from Brunette the Label, a cozy Turkish Towel to use as a cute decor item in your bathroom or a gift for someone this year, indulge in a little self-care with our Luxury Lip Care line by Henne or, grab a few hair masks. Since all of our hands are dry AF this year, we also have hand cream products and more to care for that dry skin. Grab the perfect gift or stocking stuffer for a loved one this year or treat yourself! Stay tuned for the launch of our online store and help support your local business! If you have your eye on something now, give us a call/text and we’ll arrange for a pick-up day. 

    Since we all could use a little more love and uplifting this time of year, follow our sister IG account, @sheartherapytv. This account is meant to inspire love, faith and give courage to all those who need it – and I know a lot of us do. Follow our account and stay tuned for more exciting things to come! 

    Love you all and stay safe!



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