Feb 21, 2024

Online Learning – Our Challenges & Benefits

Is it 2021 yet? Once again another night has flown by and I get NOTHING done for myself. Opting into the online learning module for my girls has been interesting, to say the least. It was a tough decision we had to make this year as it came with many factors. Moving to a new city meant Madison would either have to start at a new school or remain in her previous school under “optional attendance”. I remember fighting so hard for her to get accepted into this school. I wrote application letters when she was starting SK and…

    By Pamela Facey. Updated October 15, 2020

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    Is it 2021 yet? Once again another night has flown by and I get NOTHING done for myself. Opting into the online learning module for my girls has been interesting, to say the least. It was a tough decision we had to make this year as it came with many factors. Moving to a new city meant Madison would either have to start at a new school or remain in her previous school under “optional attendance”.


    I remember fighting so hard for her to get accepted into this school. I wrote application letters when she was starting SK and we were thrilled when she was accepted so it was a big panic for us to think she had to change schools all over again after we moved. I had to weigh out all the options. In our new house, there’s a school that is literally a few houses away which is convenient and it’s a large school which I thought would be great for diversity. I didn’t want her to be the only “fuzzy-headed” kid in her school, I wanted to see students and teachers of all backgrounds and cultures. I experienced trauma growing up myself being called “FernGully” by everyone at school (a mythical character from a 90s movie called The Last Rainforest). I would often be asked if I was electrocuted by kids at school because of my hair. Needless to say, I would leave school crying on the way home because of the bullying I faced every day. So again, the decision to move schools was hard but we knew what we had to do to best suit our family. So I ripped off the bandaid and applied for the school closest to our new home. 

    In addition to a new school, we also had challenges with starting online learning for the girls. I had no idea what I was in for. I assumed it would be easy but there’s been a few hiccups along the way (and from what I gather, lots of other parents have had similar issues). 

    Before the girls started, I was prepared and had it all planned out in my head. Even though schooling would take place here in our home, I still wanted to normalize this year as much as possible by continuing with our back-to-school traditions. We went shopping for new backpacks, lunch bags, and accessories. Even their Nana took them to get binders, pencils, and erasers. We were all set to start this new school year off ready and prepared. I was even that mom who put together cute little baskets for them to use at their workstations. I wanted them to stay organized and to take care of their own school supplies. I even provided dry erase boards for them to draw and take notes on (I’m trying to save trees here). 

    We thought every day we would get up early, pack our bags with snacks, and get to it! And well… not quite. The first bump in the road was that school actually started almost two weeks later than anticipated. Then, in the first week of school, there was an increase of families who decided last minute to change from in-person learning to online. The school board had to rearrange classrooms and order more Chromebooks last minute. With that being said, we didn’t end up starting school until the end of September.

    Those slow, perfect mornings with my latte in hand and quiet time with my girls before school started was also not happening. Those mornings actually turned into pure chaos. While I’m screaming over the Nespresso machine, our Google Reminders would chime in to let us know school was about to start and the girls would come running down the stairs telling me they can’t find their laptop or that it died. And those cute baskets with school supplies I made for them? Well, they’re currently scattered everywhere. 

    Harper would be crying “Mom I want you to feed me”, and I would be screaming ” Mom is going crazy guys’ ‘….. Serious talk, I walked by my den the other day to overhear Harper telling Madison “I think mom is losing her mind”… She is only three!

    So for a three-year-old starting JK for the first time on a laptop, it isn’t really something that’s normal, to say the least. What’s worse? Harper is staring at a screen with 20+ boxes of new faces she’s never seen before, hearing them all speak at the same time. We then stand to sing ‘Oh Canada’ which she has never heard of in her life and she turns to me and says “Mom, are we done yet? School is boring”. Feel bad for me now? LOL ok fine… But Madison on the other hand thrives in structure and goes through the whole day gracefully! She knew how to navigate through the computer and do her assignments, she also logs into her meetings and submits her work on time. I am EXTREMELY proud of her.

    Even though this is not the half of it, I must say I’m actually quite proud of how adaptable these little people are. I sometimes wonder if we need to learn a little more from them as adults. I can find a million reasons to complain about doing all of this but the truth is when I disconnect from the world around me, I actually get into it with them and enjoy the process of being home and watching them learn. 


    What I enjoy is our “recess” breaks, eating lunch together, and going for walks mid-day.  Madison reads to Harper and we work on art projects together –  we just find ways to make it fun! I’m also very grateful for the teachers they’ve been placed with. My interactions with them made me feel very confident that we made the right choice of changing schools. We actually bumped into one of them on our recess break and it totally made Madison’s day to see her teacher in REAL LIFE. 


    At the end of the day, it’s a beautiful thing that we have the choice and I can be here supporting them through it. I’m also grateful that I have my mother to be here to help us on the days I’m in the salon because I know it is NOT easy for her either, but together we’re getting it done!. In 10 years, we’ll all look back at this and be stronger on the other end, but until then, just smile (have an extra cup of coffee or two) and know it will all be ok.


    XO Pammy

    P.S. Don’t forget to follow my personal page @pamelafacey for more adventures of ME! (and also a fun new giveaway is around the corner)!

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